Thursday, April 30, 2020

Today we are going to go over the different parts of a book and see what we can find

What is this part of the book called?
Is it the cover or the back?
It is the Cover.

What part of the book is this called?
Is it the cover or the back?
It is the back.

What part of the book is this called?
Is it the page or the spine?
It is the spine.

Where is the title of the book?
The title is the name of the story.
The title of the story is The Diggingest Dog.

Who is the Author?
The Author is the name of the person who wrote the story.
The Author is Al Perkins.

Who is the Illustrator?
The Illustrator is the person who drew the pictures.
The Illustrator is Eric Gurney.

Can you find I in the first sentence

Can you find a question mark?
A question mark is used after someone has asked a question.
This is a question mark ?

Can you find a Full Stop?
A Full Stop is used at the end of a sentence, when you have finished writing what you want to say.
A full stop is a small dot .

Can you find the word some from our orange flower words.

Can you find me the word to from our orange flower words.

Can you find me the word saw from our Green flower words.

Can you find a word that starts with the letter s
Remember to sound it out s s s s s s

Can you find a word that starts with the letter b
Remember to sound it out b b b b b b

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Good morning Room 3, well done everyone on learning and writing our new green flower word, so much fantastic writing happening!

Todays challenge....

Room 3 Friendship flower

We are going to make a special friendship flower for Room 3 and when we get back to school we will put it up on the wall! Its very simple, all I want you to do is to make a petal, think about how big you want it to be or how small you want it to be, think about what shape you want the petal to be, if there are no flowers for you to look at, what about a leaf shape?
When you have thought about what kind of petal you want, then draw it on some paper and then I want you to write your name on it and decorate it with what ever you want, just make it the most beautiful petal you can for our special flower. When you have finished, you will then need to cut it out and show me! Make sure you keep it safe, when we get back to school we will take photos of all the children in Room 3 and make that the centre of our flower. Have fun!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Our orange and green flower words

Morena Room 3, I hope that you are all well today and don't forget to check your special video messages that I left for you on Seesaw!

Todays challenge is a maths scavenger hunt

Today I want you to think about numbers and shapes! Look around outside and inside and see if you can find me....
- something that is a square shape -something that is a triangle shape -something that is a rectangle shape -something that is a circle shape then...
-see if you can find 5 little things and 5 big things, put them together and tell me how many! -see if you can find 3 toys and 4 stones and then put them together and tell me how many! -see if you can find 7 pieces of lego or blocks and 2 felts and then put them together and tell me how many!
And then when you have finished doing all that, if you can, see if you can write 1 to 10, you may need an adult to help you.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
And remember... have fun!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Morena Room 3, hope you are all feeling good today, the weather is certainly a bit colder this morning!

Todays challenge....

Going on a Bug Hunt!

Go outside and have a think where you might find a bug, what kind of bug do you think you might find? a spider, a praying mantis? is it cold? where do you think bugs might like to be when it is cold. When you have found a bug I would like you to draw it and colour it in, if you can get an adult to take a photo and post it then that would be great as well. Things to think about... What shapes can you see? How many legs does it have? What colours are in it? How many eyes does it have? What else can you see? If you can, try and tell me all about your bug and what you found... I can't wait to see your bugs!

Have to share some of the beautiful work that Room 3 has been doing!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy Monday Room 3, I hope that you all had a great weekend!

Todays challenge....

A Scavenger Hunt!

Collect all of the following in a bag or basket, when you have finished get an adult to take a photo and share it with me on Seesaw or you can wait until we get back to school and show me then!

  • A toy with wheels
  • A pair of matching socks
  • 4 things that are green
  • something very soft
  • A toy that is smaller then your hand
  • Something round
  • Lego pieces that are all different
  • A photo of someone you love
  • A toy that has 3 different colours
  • Your most favourite soft toy
  • Something that is spiky
  • Something hard from outside
  • Something smooth from inside
  • Something that is a triangle shape
  • Something that is a square shape.

Have fun everyone!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Happy Friday everyone
Hope you have all had a good week, it has been great seeing all the children and their fabulous work, keep it up!

Today we are looking at writing our name and counting how many letters are in our name.

Here is todays activity...

How many letters are in my name?
  • Start the activity.
  • Select the pencil and write your name.
  • Count how many letters are in your name and write the number. Then, show the number by drawing dots.
  • Finish the activity.
  • Click the green check again to submit.
  • Have fun and remember to get an adult to post it for me to see!
  • Have a great weekend Room 3.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ki ora everyone

Todays Poem...


Families are people
who care about you.
My family is special
and your family is too!

When you have finished reading your poem, I want you to draw me a gorgeous picture of your family, remember to do your best work and when you have finished, don't forget to write your name and if you can, the names of everyone else in your family!  Don't forget to keep your piece of work so that you can show me later.
Have fun.

Todays challenge...

Leaf Art.

Are the leaves of the trees in front of your house starting to change colour and fall?  Lets collect some of these colourful foliage to bring those gorgeous autumn colours from outdoors into our homes!
Head towards your backyard and collect as many leaves of different colours, sizes and shapes as possible.
Create your own masterpiece using the leaves you have collected.  When you have finished make sure you look after it so that you can show me later, or get an adult in your family to show me on seesaw.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Welcome back to Term 2

Please feel free to do as much or as little as what suits your family and
your child.  Remember that now is a great time to learn new skills, 
play, spend time together, read books, explore at home and have fun. 
This is not a time to stress about teaching your child, they will be ok 
and we will all get through it together!

Todays challenge is to create an underwater masterpiece!

Remember this is not compulsory.
Today I want you to create an underwater picture. What would you draw in it? What things can you think of that are under the water? -sharks, sunken pirate boat, treasure, fish, Mermaids, seaweed, so many different things. Use pencil, crayons felts or whatever you feel like, you can make it as big or as small as you like, but remember to try and do your best work. When you have finished see if someone in your family can post it up for me to see, otherwise keep it somewhere safe? Have fun and remember to write your name.

Our orange flower words
I want you to see how many words you can remember from the orange flower! Point them out and say them out loud to your mum or dad or who ever else is in your house. When you have done that, I then want you to write out the word to. Just like we do at school, all the way across the page. to to to to to to to to to to to to... When you have finished make sure you write your name and then get someone in your family to post it if they can, otherwise put it somewhere safe so that you can show me later!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hi everyone

Here is the timetable for the new Home Learning TV channel that starts this Wednesday 15 April on TV 2+1 for those who are interested. 

9.00am to 9.10am Parenting with Nathan Wallis
9.10am to 9.25am Early Learning
9.25am to 9.40am Junior Health (Age 5 to 8)
9.40am to 9.55am Junior Literacy (Age 5 to 8)
9.55am to 10.05am Maia the Brave
10.05am to 10.30am Beginning Te Reo
10.30am to 10.50am Junior Science and Maths (Age 5 to 8)
10.50am to 11.00am Kai 5
11.00am to 11.15am Middle Literacy and Language (Age 9 to 11)
11.15am to 11.40am Middle Maths (Age 9 to 11)
11.40am to 12.05am Junior Project
12.05pm to 12.30pm Fanimals
12.30pm to 12.40pm Parenting with Nathan Wallis
12.40pm to 1.00pm Aotearoa History
1.00pm to 1.30pm Senior Literacy (Age 12 to 15)
1.30pm to 1.55pm Born to Move (Teens)
1.55pm to 2.25pm Advanced Te Reo
2.25pm to 2.50pm Senior Project
2.50pm to 3.00pm Daily Diary

Monday, April 13, 2020

Some fun things to do

I hope that everyone has had a great easter inside their bubble!  The weather has been beautiful and I hope everyone has managed to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  Here are just few ideas that you can do at home for fun, either by yourself or with the whole family.

- Build a hut out of blankets and chairs.  Camp in it all day, then tell your family a story about your hut over dinner, or how about playing a board game inside your hut!

- Stay up late and stargaze.  When you don't have to go to school in the morning it can be ok to stay up late for a treat.  Look out for the moon and the milky way as well.

- Sit silently for 10 minutes, listening to every sound you can hear.  This is a great one to help develop children's listening skills.

- Draw a map of your home and neighbourhood, design how you would like your bedroom to be if you could change it around.

- keep practising writing your name.

- Learn to tie shoelaces!

- Draw and tell, draw a picture, tell a story about your picture then either siblings or parents can write the story for you, then read it together.

Have fun and enjoy

Manu tukutuku: Kite-designing for Pūtaiao

As part of our Material World unit this week we designed kites. We have been investigating and exploring what different materials and fibres...