Wednesday, May 26, 2021


We are poets.
We wrote an Autumn poem together by using poetic descriptions about the Autumn we noticed around our school.

Ko mahi tahi maatou teenei:

Autumn poem

The light green changes: red, orange, brown, yellow.

Red colour changes the leaves.

The red tree,

The leaves leave the tree.

Leaves make me think of Autumn tornadoes.

A tornado of leaves.

The leaves fall down, the underground leaves.

The tornado spins the trees on the ground.

Shoosh, shoosh - the tornado.

Flap, flip, flap, flip - the leaves fall.

A whirlpool, a yellow bath of leaves.

The colours are spinning.

Red, orange, brown, green, yellow,

A rainbow of Autumn.

The Autumn machine makes a tornado of Autumn.

Yellow and green, yellow and brown, RED!

Leaves on the ground remind me it’s Autumn.

Created by Ruma Toru tamariki.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Waa tuakana-teina


We have started a special Tuakana-teina time in our weekly programme were we work together with some of the Ruma Tekau ma tahi akonga to learn about science, Te Reo Maaori and being together. This week was about getting to know each other's names:

Ko wai too ingoa?
Ko ____ (name) taaku ingoa.

We also explored Ruma Toru and played with some science provocations.

Friday, May 14, 2021

NZ History: Kupe's arrival to Aotearoa.

Waka building.

 We have been talking, watching and think about the beginning of history in Aotearoa and the first people to arrive to our country. We have been learning about Kupe's navigation here and the waka that he travelled on.

The tamariki have really enjoyed engaging in this mahi. Watching and listening to the stories, creating and sailing their own waka, hearing about the Wheke being defeated and the people arriving to this whenua.

Ask them what they know about this.

Paddling the waka, spotting a wheke in the water...

Do these waka float?

Friday, May 7, 2021

Nau mai hoki, welcome back - Term 2.

 Welcome to Term 2.

We are now a class of 17 tamariki and growing.

We have been observing the change in weather temperature, sunny but cold days, and leaves and acorns falling on the ground around us. 

We took photos and played in the leaves.


Manu tukutuku: Kite-designing for Pūtaiao

As part of our Material World unit this week we designed kites. We have been investigating and exploring what different materials and fibres...