Sunday, June 12, 2022

Using evidence - more soda water experiments.


These scientists are collecting more evidence to help them explain how and why the raisins 'dance' in soda water by going up and down.
They are making obseravtions.

They notice bubbles that behave the same or differently on lentils, pasta, and coloured mini m&ms. 

The M&Ms go up then sink and lots of bubbles fizz up. They stay at the bottom once their colour shell comes off.

The lentils still go up and down but take a lot longer.

Some of the scientists begin to change their minds about the objects in soda 'breathing'. They now think the bubbles on the outside are making them go up and down. 

They are also keen to observe the lids popping off the jars. This is also put down to something in the bubbles. They start to count how long it takes each of the 3 lids to pop again. 

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