Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Welcome back to Term 2

Please feel free to do as much or as little as what suits your family and
your child.  Remember that now is a great time to learn new skills, 
play, spend time together, read books, explore at home and have fun. 
This is not a time to stress about teaching your child, they will be ok 
and we will all get through it together!

Todays challenge is to create an underwater masterpiece!

Remember this is not compulsory.
Today I want you to create an underwater picture. What would you draw in it? What things can you think of that are under the water? -sharks, sunken pirate boat, treasure, fish, Mermaids, seaweed, so many different things. Use pencil, crayons felts or whatever you feel like, you can make it as big or as small as you like, but remember to try and do your best work. When you have finished see if someone in your family can post it up for me to see, otherwise keep it somewhere safe? Have fun and remember to write your name.

Our orange flower words
I want you to see how many words you can remember from the orange flower! Point them out and say them out loud to your mum or dad or who ever else is in your house. When you have done that, I then want you to write out the word to. Just like we do at school, all the way across the page. to to to to to to to to to to to to... When you have finished make sure you write your name and then get someone in your family to post it if they can, otherwise put it somewhere safe so that you can show me later!

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