Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Morena Room 3, hope you are all feeling good today, the weather is certainly a bit colder this morning!

Todays challenge....

Going on a Bug Hunt!

Go outside and have a think where you might find a bug, what kind of bug do you think you might find? a spider, a praying mantis? is it cold? where do you think bugs might like to be when it is cold. When you have found a bug I would like you to draw it and colour it in, if you can get an adult to take a photo and post it then that would be great as well. Things to think about... What shapes can you see? How many legs does it have? What colours are in it? How many eyes does it have? What else can you see? If you can, try and tell me all about your bug and what you found... I can't wait to see your bugs!

Have to share some of the beautiful work that Room 3 has been doing!

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