I dug two holes and two trees.
By Hunter.
It was hard to dig the hole.
By Aroosh.
I planted trees and they will grow.
By Emily-Rose.
I dug a hole.
By Zakkaiah.
This is the tree. This is Courtney helping me dig the hole.
By Rumeysa.
I plant trees.
By Maria.
The Sunshine Queen.
By Azaan.
I like planting trees.
By Ally.
I like planting trees.
By Ihaia.
I was having fun.
By David.
When we were gardening, I found a worm.
By Asena.
I was planting trees.
By Susifina.
Fergus and I were planting trees.
By Selby.
I was having fun planting and digging. It was hard work.
By Henry.
Why do the plants not grow when it is snowing?
By Lorenzo.
I plant lots and lots of Kōwhai trees.
By Margot.
I love planting trees on Pūtikitiki.
By Bayan.
I am watching the kids plant trees.
By Fergus.
Ngā mihi nui to all our helpers for their support.