As scientists in Ruma Toru we have been learning to look closely (or smell closely) to make observations.
We experimented with painting purple water that had come from a red cabbage onto paper. When it had dried (or sometimes before) we painted lemon juice over it. We noticed the smells of the liquids. We noticed the purple paper turned pink with lemon juice. We wondered about why this could be.
There were also changes to the water and lemon juice the more we painted and re-dipped our brushes.
After the storm over the weekend we went on hīkoi around our kura. We collected evidence by looking at all the things on the ground. This helped us build up ideas and theories of what could have happened.
We also collected data using colours. We used paint charts to notice the colours around us on Te Ara o Ngahere and Putikitiki.
I liked how you guys used storm data to collect more data. I like how you used colours and looked for cracks on the ground. I wonder if it was a little earthquake. Richard room 8