We have been working hard to learn a longer version of our Kōwhai karakia timatanga.
Karakia o te Kōwhai - He Rākau Tapu
Te ura o te Kowhai, the glow of the Kowhai
Kā tū mai nei
He tohu tapu te rākau rā
Ko te tōtara
He puna kai
mō ngā manu o te ngahere
Te tui, te kererū, te kōmako, te kākā
Hei tupua
Tō te whenua
Hei rongoā
Kia whakaora ai te mauiui
He maumaharatanga o te mataora
O ngā mea pai rawa atu
I te ao hurihuri nei
Ka tihei, tihei mauri ora!
Standing here
as a sacred symbol
The tōtara
A place of sustenance
For the birds of the forest
The tui, wood pigeon, bellbird and kākā
A supernatural presence
From the earth
As medicine
So the sick are made well
A reminder of life
Of all things good
In this busy world.
The essence of life